Your personal data is a priority for Cozy Lisbon. 

Who are we?

Your data will be treated by Cozy Lisbon  a brand of Imolissippo Investimentos Imobiliários, Lda., with the following portuguese registration number 513 344 578.
Cozy Lisbon is the data controller within the meaning General Data Protection Regulation.

Why do we treat your information?

Your personal data may be collected and processed by Cozy Lisbon for the following purposes:

1. To fulfill legal obligations to which Cozy Lisbon is subject, such as the communication to the Service of Boarders and Foreigners.

2. To make mobile or email communications, with information about your quotation requests, reservation details, Self check in instructions or any other issues related to a reservation at our apartments.

3. To make mobile or email communications about deals, offers or promotions with marketing pourpose, through our platforms and social media.

4. To protect our property or held assets by Cozy Lisbon.

The non-supply of personal data for the purposes mentioned in point 1 may lead Cozy Lisbon to cancel the reservation.

What kind of personal data do we collect?

Cozy Lisbon will collect and process the personal data necessary to elaborate a reservation, such as name, date of birth, nationality, passport or ID number, e-mail address and phone number. 

In cases we need to process the payment directly, a copy of a docment that identifies the credit card holder may be requested.

What do we treat your information for?

The processing of your personal data will be carried out safely. We will use it to fulfil legal obligations imposed to  Cozy Lisbon, in particular by legislation on matters of entry, permanence and departure of foreigners in the national territory and fiscal legislation.

The e-mail address may also be used for internal marketing, being only managed by our company.

Who can we transmit your personal data?

Cozy Lisbon may need to share some of your personal data with other recipients, who include:

Public entities to which Cozy Lisbon is legally obliged to provide information - Service of Borders and Foreigners Services and DGCI – Directorate-General for Taxes.

Subcontractors providing certain services related to your personal data under the cover of a sub-contract and with the sole purpose to provide technical assistance to Cozy Lisbon. These include, particularly, site hosting providers, cleaning service, lawyers firms, accounting firms and insurance companies.

Competent authorities to which Cozy Lisbon is legally obliged to disclose information during judicial proceedings or to detect technical and/or security problems, such as judicial entities or competent control authorities.

Are my data transferred to countries outside the European Union?

Your personal data, collected by Cozy Lisbon, will not be transferred to any entity established outside the territory of the European Union.

What are my rights?

At any time, in accordance with GDPR, you may request access to your personal data, as well as to its rectification or deletion, limitation of the treatment performed, the right of opposition and the right to data portability.

Security and confidentiality

We are committed to keeping your data secure and we use appropriate security measures to ensure your personal data are protected and to prevent access to them by unauthorised persons. However, the transmission of data over the Internet is not completely secure and we cannot provide an absolute guarantee of the security of the information transmitted through our site.

We also respect the confidentiality of your information. Therefore, we do not sell, distribute or make your information commercially available in any other way, to any third party. Cozy Lisbon undertakes to keep your information confidential in accordance with this Privacy Policy and with the applicable legislation.

Do you have any questions?

If any doubts remain in relation to the processing of your personal data, or if you wish to exercise any of your rights, please contact us:


Adress: Rua Presidente Arriaga, 61 R/C 1200-771 Lisboa